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全世界的脑控受害者同胞们: 我们是高科技脑控武器犯罪受害者,我们的遭遇是常人不了解、乃至不能理解的。命运带给了我们磨难,也让我们得以窥见世界的真实!中国有句古话说:“故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能”。让我们勇敢活下去,从自己做起,为自己所爱的人、为人类的后代避免遭受脑控之苦而战!为此,我提出三点希望: 1、从善。有受害者可能已经发觉,直接脑控我们的人是专业的,但也是普通的,就像是其他普通罪犯一样。如果有人威胁你:“脑控别人,就给你钱,否则就脑控你”,你会不会也成为一名脑控害人者?即使把现在的脑控害人者都抓起来,会不会有新的人代替他们?即使能够有办法禁用脑控武器,会不会有更先进、更厉害的科技,摆脱法律的束缚,用来害人?有人说,人类总是要重复同样的错误!我们真正的敌人到底是谁?答案只有一个,那就是:人性之恶!这也是千百年来人类历史中悲剧不断重复的原因之一!脑控犯罪也充分彰显了人性之恶,而与之抗衡的力量,就是:从善!每个人都是善恶的结合体,要变得更好需要扬善疏恶。我们不能让仇恨控制自己,那会毁灭别人,也会毁灭我们自己,使我们成为和脑控害人者一样的人。要成为一名坚定的反脑控者,就要贯彻从善之路,否则一旦受到利诱,你也可能成为脑控害人者的一员,给更多像你原来一样的人带来痛苦! 2、节制。脑控犯罪尤其擅长乘虚而入、落井下石。有受害者已经经历过,在生病的时候脑控不仅不会减弱,还会变本加厉!所以我们无论是生活、工作还是娱乐,都要有所节制,不要使自己过于疲劳或者麻醉!我们也要保持情绪的节制,不要被害人者捧得太高兴,也不要在害人者的贬低、恐吓下变得太低落、惊恐。不急、无惧,就不会被脑控害人者心理操纵,他们也就失去了最强的武器!甚至在从善的时候,也要有所节制,因为从善也可能转变成作恶。玩过网络游戏应该知道,有一种职责叫做“奶”,但是“奶”杀人的人,等同在帮助杀人,与杀人者同罪!所以要区分什么是真善、什么是伪善,并且承认在有些时候善良和邪恶是难以分明的。人类历史中多次大规模的群体迫害,就是试图将善恶分得太清!所以要宽容和节制! 3、进步。有些受害者怀念被脑控前的时光,那时候虽然物质没有现在丰富,但有现在没有的自由与轻松!但是过去已经回不去了,脑控危机已经不可避免,就像是人类已经回不去公有制的原始社会一样!与其排斥文明,不如追求进步!未来还有更先进,更厉害的科技层出不穷,不要因为恐惧而止步,而尝试去接受他、拥抱他!在自己的知识、思想和能力上,也不要止步不前,使自己能够适应未来社会的发展!有人担心,科技进步太快会毁灭人类怎么办?这就需要前面提到的从善,以脑控犯罪为鉴,督促科学家们将从善应用到未来的科技上,就像是迪拜“AI万物”国际峰会上中国腾讯公司高级执行副总裁刘胜义说的“人要向善,AI也要向善”,并在善恶不明时有所节制,引导文明向着正确的方向发展!这样就能够从容面对未来更多的人类危机!!! 以上就是对全体脑控受害者同胞提出的三点希望!这三点希望是一个三角形,相互促进,相互制约。看似简单,但要做到并不容易。现代文明已经将世界联成了一体,我们也许文化不同,国家理念不同,但是我们有着相似的遭遇,也能够共同努力实现我们共同的愿望,那就是:让世界变得更好!让我所爱的人能够在更好的世界幸福生活下去!!!共勉!!! 新浪微博“绿树迎清风2019” 2019年7月15日

A Letter for All Global Mind Control Victims V1.1 Dear Mind control victims, We are now reduced to nothing but victims of notorious global crimes of mind control weapons. What we've experienced is hardly possible for ordinary people to figure out , or even beyond the understanding of them. The fate has us experienced all sorts of worldly trials, and we happen to see through them and discover the facts of the world! As an old Chinese saying goes: " Thus, when Heaven is going to give a great responsibility to someone, it first makes his mind endure suffering. It makes his sinews and bones experience toil, and his body to suffer hunger. It inflicts him with poverty and knocks down everything he tries to build. In this way Heaven stimulates his mind, stabilizes his temper and develops his weak points." Let us live bravely, start from ourselves, for their loved ones, for the future generations of mankind to avoid suffering from mind control! To this end, I have three suggestions for you: 1. Conduct good deeds. Some of us may have already realized that the direct mind controllers are quite professional in this trade, but you, thinking reversely, they are common persons and commit illegal things just like any other common-seen criminals. When one of these people attempt to threaten you, saying:"Do what I say and mind control others; or, you will be mind controlled by me instead!" So, what's your choice? Would you be a mind controller? Even if all the current mind controller were arrested, would someone new take their place? And would there be any other more advanced, powerful technologies that would help these mind controllers circumvent the laws and continue their illegal commitments, even if current techniques of mind control were exposed before the public or out of effect. Some then begin to doubt: What is the really enemy to our humankind since all of us always repeat our old mistakes? The only answer here to clear the doubt is that: the evil of human nature! It can be used as one of the reasons to explain why people never stop all the time to repeat their mistakes in older times during the course of centuries long human history. The crimes of mind control are so symbolic of sinfulness of human. What is the force we can arm ourselves with? Good deeds! Man is a body combined with goods and evils. We need do promote good and channel evil. We should not let hatred overwhelm our emotions and harm other people---This will destroy ourselves from inside, and make us become a criminal as the mind controllers. We must unwaveringly perform practice of good deeds to be a solid anti-mind-controller. 2. Refrain yourself. Criminals of mind control are especially good at seeking opportunities to set you up and then take advantage of the situation you are in. For example, you may have experienced mind control when you fall sick, and the controller, having no sympathy on you, but makes the situation worse! Therefore, whether in life, work or play, we must confine ourselves to not being indulged in anesthetization, and too physically or mentally exhausted! We must have a good control over our emotions: not being too proud after their ill-conceived praise, or not feeling too insignificant or frightened under their demeaning and intimidation. So don't in a hurry, don't fear, so would not be psychologically manipulated by the mind controller, and they would lose their most powerful weapon! Even when we are committing good deeds, we still mind our own behaviors, trying not to overdo what you are doing and to make it evil in nature. You should know when you play online games, there is a role responsible for feeding other members in his team "milk (supplies that are needed to support and prolong lives of the other team members)" when the very role is helping slaughter the "enemy". They may be shared in the guilt of the murderer. So distinguish between what is true kindness and what is false goodness, and admit that at times good and evil are indistinguishable. Human history in many large-scale mass persecution, is trying to distinguish between good and evil! So turn the other cheek and refrain. 3. Making progress. Some may still often reminisce of their past time when they did not meet with their mind controllers. It is a time when everything was, though not rich in amount and type, offered us freedom and ease! But the time won't go back for us. And we can't avoid the disaster of mind control, just as if we can not back to primitive society with public ownership. Instead of rejecting civilization, we would hug advance and progress! There are a great variety of advanced, high-end technologies emerging every day, and don't trap yourself in the place where you stand primarily. Just take it and embrace it! And at the same time, do go on learning to improve your knowledge, update your mind, and hone your skills; do not stop moving forward, and instead you should adopt yourself to the changing world ahead. Also some others are worried that what if the rapid development of technology wipe most of us human off from the earth? As I mentioned before, doing good deeds and learning lessons from the crime of mind control will urge scientists to apply kindness to future technologies, just like what Shen Yee Lau, senior executive vice president of Tencent Holdings Ltd, at AI Everything Summit held in Dubai, "Humans for good, 'AI for good'", and when good and evil are not clear, refrainment is necessary to guide civilization in the right direction. By doing so, we can stay in calm and fear no more for human crisis waiting ahead of us! All above all what I want to share with you, all mind control victims! These three Suggestions are a triangle, which promotes and restricts each other. It sounds easy to understand, but it will be not easy to take them into action. The modern civilianization has brought the world into a connected body, where although we living inside have different culture and different philosophy between countries, we share sort of familiar experience and we all wish to realise our common aspiration. The common aspiration is to make the world a better place! So that the people I love can live happily in a better world! Let's do it together!

A microblog (or Weibo) at Sina by (a blogger named) "绿树迎清风2019" on July 15, 2019


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